Bali, Blackout, and Blessings


What was meant to be a relaxing getaway to Bali in July 2024 quickly turned into an unexpected journey of challenges and realizations about the blessings we often overlook.

Before leaving, I carefully wrapped up tasks and delegated responsibilities, looking forward to a stress-free holiday with my family. Bali greeted us with its breathtaking beauty—the serene beaches of Nusa Dua, the vibrant energy, the bright moonlight, and perfect weather. Our excitement was high, but unease lingered due to the escalating tension back home in Bangladesh. The tragic news of student protests and brutal killings cast a shadow over our vacation.

On July 18th, everything changed when the government imposed a complete internet blackout in Bangladesh, the longest in our history. Suddenly, I was cut off from my family and team, feeling helpless despite being in such a beautiful place. As a company that relies heavily on the internet to provide remote tech and non-tech talent solutions, our operations were paralyzed. The fear of losing clients was real.

But during this time of uncertainty, I was deeply moved by the empathy and understanding of our clients. Rather than focusing on their own business challenges, they expressed genuine concern for the country and the well-being of my team. This compassion was a profound blessing that I will never take for granted.

Returning home on July 24th, as limited internet access was restored, brought immense relief. The fight for justice continued in Bangladesh, culminating in what many now call our second independence on August 5th, 2024.

I am incredibly grateful to my team, who truly embodied our core value of client obsession during this difficult period. Despite the obstacles, they worked tirelessly to minimize the impact of the four-day absence during the blackout. One team member even took the initiative to automate a process, implementing it on the first day after resuming work. Our client was extremely pleased with this contribution and recognized the effort in the best possible way.

Reflecting on those days in Bali, what stands out most is gratitude. My family and colleagues were safe, our clients remained loyal, and our nation emerged stronger. None of this would have been possible without the bravery of the students of Bangladesh, more than 700 of whom lost their lives, with many others still bearing the scars of their struggle.

As we look forward to brighter days under the leadership of Nobel Laureate Professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus, my heart is filled with gratitude for the blessings that emerged during this challenging time.

Picture: Kelingking Beach, Nusa Penida, Bali

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