From Job Seeker to Entrepreneur: A Journey of Gratitude and Growth


They say the biggest risks are the ones you don’t expect—and that’s exactly how I felt when I left my stable corporate job and stepped into the unknown world of entrepreneurship. Noble Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus once said, “Human beings are meant to be entrepreneurs, not job seekers.” While this resonates with me now, it wasn’t what inspired my move into entrepreneurship. Looking back, it seems I was already on that path before I realized it.

Corporate Career and a Turning Point

For 14 years, I had the privilege of working with renowned companies like GSK, Unilever, and Airtel. My role as Country HR Head for Bangladesh, Nepal, and Myanmar at GSK was both rewarding and challenging. I was focused on expanding my role, possibly in another country, to gain new experiences. But then life took an unexpected turn when GSK sold its Nutrition business to Unilever. This was the third merger & acquisition I had seen in my career, and it changed the direction of my journey.

Picture: Team Dinner

A Pause for Reflection

Life has a way of forcing us to pause when we least expect it. During the transition and in the middle of the COVID-19 lockdown, I had to take a break due to health reasons. What seemed like an unwanted disruption became a moment of reflection. I realized that my goals had shifted. The corporate world no longer felt like the right fit. Instead, I felt a growing desire to start something of my own, where I could use my skills and make a meaningful impact.

Taking the Leap

It wasn’t an easy decision, but with the strong support of my family, I found the courage to take the leap. Leaving Unilever to start this new journey was both exciting and nerve-wracking. Building something from scratch, especially during a global pandemic, felt overwhelming but also very fulfilling.

As I moved from the corporate world to founding Invicta Solutions Ltd., I was fortunate to have the support of my former GSK colleagues, who helped lay the groundwork for what we’ve achieved today. But the path to success was far from smooth. In the early months, we faced many challenges—our savings were running low, business leads were hard to find, and the global instability caused by the Russia-Ukraine conflict added to the uncertainty. Some well-meaning friends even suggested I go back to the corporate world, and honestly, I did start to doubt myself.

Picture: Our Gender Balanced Team

Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Success

But I’ve always believed in the power of optimism. Even in the toughest times, I held on to the hope that just one client could change everything. And in April 2022, that hope became a reality. That one client opened the door to others, and soon, we started seeing the results of our hard work. In less than a year, Invicta Solutions became cash-positive, and we started growing organically through client referrals. This was proof of the quality of our talent solutions and the trust we had built with clients both locally and globally.

A Journey of Gratitude and Growth

Today, as we continue to grow, I am filled with pride and gratitude. We are on a journey to becoming a global leader in premium talent solutions, and every day, we strive to add more value to our clients. What brings me the most joy is knowing that through Invicta, we are doing more than just business—we are creating opportunities for talented young people in Bangladesh and bringing in foreign income to strengthen our country’s economy. It’s a small but important step toward rebuilding our nation.

I am truly fortunate to have a team that shares this vision. Their dedication, ambition, and pursuit of excellence make Invicta Solutions more than just a company—it’s a community driven by purpose. Together, we are building something special, and I couldn’t be more grateful for this journey. And the best part? This is only the beginning. The future holds more opportunities, challenges, and triumphs—and I can’t wait to see where it takes us.

Picture: #GoodFoodGoodTimes

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